LocalNZ: Seeking a youth voice |
1. Welcome
We would really like your help. The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete, and all questions are optional. The survey closes at midnight on Wednesday, 12 November.
In preparation of the LocalNZ workshop (see www.localnz.org) in November, we would like to canvas observations and ideas from youth throughout the country. A summary of your answers will be used as a resource for the participants of the LocalNZ workshop. This workshop aims to help answer the overarching question: 'Are the goals of NZ Inc the same as Regional NZ Inc – and if dissimilar, what would these differences look like?' We want to know what you think could be done to resolve the issues regions face today so that the very best ideas are presented by participants at Parliament on Wednesday, 19 November 2014. The workshop is timed to coincide with the new government, which is always the best time to present bold ideas for consideration and implementation during the next three-year term.
Survey Results:
The survey results will be summarised and made public on the LocalNZ website by Friday, 21 November. If you would like me to email you once the results are made public, please add your name and email address to the first question.
Thank you:
I would like to acknowledge the Wellington Youth Council for their considerable help in developing this survey. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Best, Wendy
Wendy McGuinness
Chief Executive
McGuinness Institute
In preparation of the LocalNZ workshop (see www.localnz.org) in November, we would like to canvas observations and ideas from youth throughout the country. A summary of your answers will be used as a resource for the participants of the LocalNZ workshop. This workshop aims to help answer the overarching question: 'Are the goals of NZ Inc the same as Regional NZ Inc – and if dissimilar, what would these differences look like?' We want to know what you think could be done to resolve the issues regions face today so that the very best ideas are presented by participants at Parliament on Wednesday, 19 November 2014. The workshop is timed to coincide with the new government, which is always the best time to present bold ideas for consideration and implementation during the next three-year term.
Survey Results:
The survey results will be summarised and made public on the LocalNZ website by Friday, 21 November. If you would like me to email you once the results are made public, please add your name and email address to the first question.
Thank you:
I would like to acknowledge the Wellington Youth Council for their considerable help in developing this survey. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Best, Wendy
Wendy McGuinness
Chief Executive
McGuinness Institute