Beginning of survey

Thank you for filling out this brief survey on behalf of the Maternal Wellness Team at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

The Maternal Wellness Team is surveying organizations, programs and providers around the state to identify what screening and referral efforts are available for pregnancy-related depression. This includes looking at programs and services not focused on depression that may be appropriate linkages for future work.

Pregnancy-related depression is defined as depression that occurs during pregnancy or up to one year after birth, including after a pregnancy loss/miscarriage. It is also commonly known as perinatal depression, postpartum depression and maternal depression.

Information collected from this survey will be used in program planning. Survey findings will be made available; however individual-level responses will remain anonymous. Please note that the publication of these findings are not intended to promote the use of, or referral to, specific services or agencies.

More information on the state’s work with pregnancy-related depression may be found at:
4% of survey complete.