Dear Colleague,
As you know, P5 is underway, building upon the yearlong Snowmass process. A public website ( provides news and information (including the charge and panel membership), links to meetings, and a portal for anyone in the community to submit written input. Please have a look.
Each of the three public meetings had a Town Hall, and our Virtual Town Hall experiment in early January was so successful we’d like to try it again. We will keep the same format, though the questions (see below) are somewhat different to encourage speakers to focus more on the big issues for our field and less about endorsing a particular project. A brief P5 status update will also be given at the beginning.
The second Virtual Town Hall will be held on Thursday 6 February starting at 15:00 UTC (7 AM Pacific, 8AM Mountain, 9AM Central, 10AM Eastern US) for up to 90 minutes, depending on interest. We apologize to our colleagues working in Asia for the inconvenient time.
The meeting is open to anyone working in particle physics.
As time is limited, and there likely are many issues to cover, each person will be given up to 3 minutes to speak. All are welcome; however, if it becomes necessary to limit the number of speakers, preference will be given to those who who work in US-funded groups and were not able to attend one of the four previous Town Hall meetings. If you have spoken previously, we ask you not to speak again so that more people in the community have the opportunity. An important goal of this meeting is participation by younger colleagues and those working at CERN and at universities and labs not near the locations of the previous Town Hall meetings.
The meeting will be recorded.
If you have questions or suggestions about this site please send them to:
with subject field: Virtual Town Hall
Many thanks!
Ian Shipsey and Nick Hadley (DPF)
Andy Lankford (HEPAP chair)
Steve Ritz (P5 chair)