Commuter survey of Olney/Brookeville area residents Question Title * 1. Which general area of Olney do you live in? Northwest of 97/108 (in or near Olney Mill, Tanterra, Olney Village, Brookeville Knolls, etc) Northeast of 97/108 (in or near Environ, James Creek, Manor Oaks, Lake Hallowell, etc) Southeast of 97/108 (in or near Hallowell, Highlands, SEROCA, etc) Southwest of 97/108 (in or near Homeland Village, Williamsburg Village, Olney Oaks, Olney Acres, Norbeck Grove, Briars Acres, Norbeck Meadows, Cherrywood, etc) Outside of Olney (not in the 20832, 20833, or 20853 zip codes) Question Title * 2. A potential congestion relief concept is to run a point to point express shuttle from Olney to Metro. If an express shuttle service was offered from a parking lot convenient to your home directly to either Glenmont or Shady Grove Metro, would you use it (for commuting and/or errands)? Yes I would consider it for some of my trips Yes I would consider it but only for commuting to/from work No because my destination is not close to a metro stop I would not ride a shuttle even if the stop was in front of my house Next