NYC BigApps 2013 is launching soon and will focus on key City challenges (aka 'BigIssues') that participants can help solve! Please fill out this brief survey to suggest this year's BigIssues and to highlight potential supportive resources you or others can provide.

By way of example, Income Mobility and Workforce Development is one BigIssue we've finalized for 2013. This BigIssue will incentivize the development of applications that help underserved populations access workforce development opportunities (e.g., job listings, skills trainings, etc.) and worker support services (e.g., childcare, healthcare, access to food, transit, etc.).

We look forward to your other great ideas.

The NYC BigApps Team

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Please rank the following issues (in order of priority) that you think could help be solved through NYC BigApps: (Please note: this question automatically reorders the Issues based on your ranking priority, putting your top choice on top and last choice on bottom.)

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* 3. If you selected "Other" above, please elaborate on the top issue(s) that you think could help be solved through NYC BigApps:

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* 4. Which kind(s) of support would you or your organization be able to potentially provide to NYC BigApps to help solve your top issue(s)? Please check all that apply.

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* 5. Please provide a link to or describe any datasets your organization can potentially make publicly available to help teams tackle your top issue(s). (Please separate links by semi-colons if listing multiple links.)

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* 6. Please provide a wishlist of data that you think would help BigApps entrants tackle your top issue(s). Note: you do not need to possess this data, but if you know who does, please include links or contact info.

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* 7. List any other organizations that could potentially help support your top issue(s), eg. serve as a topic expert, mentor, data provider, etc. Please provide contact information whenever possible.

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* 8. Please write any other questions, suggestions or feedback that you'd like to add.

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* 9. If you would like to further elaborate on your top issue suggestion by completing a Problem Statement submission, please click here.

If you have any further questions or comments, please contact us at