Dear Parent(s),

We would like to ask you for your feedback on our Parent-Student-Teachers conferences we have held this Thursday and Friday, October 4-5, 2012. This feedback will be used to help us improve and make decisions about our conference model for next October, 2013.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes your child(ren)’s role in conferences the past two days?

1. S/he played a leading role in some or all of the conferences
2. S/he participated as part of a three-way conversation in most conferences
3. S/he responded minimally in most conferences
4. S/he was silent, played no role, or did not attend most conferences

Question Title

* 2. How valuable were these ‘individual appointment’ conferences in informing you of your child(ren)’s learning in her/his classes?

1. Extremely Valuable
2. Valuable
3. Minimal Value
4. No Value

Question Title

* 3. How valuable were these ‘individual appointment’ conferences in informing you of your child(ren)’s areas for continued development or improvement in the near future?

1. Extremely Valuable
2. Valuable
3. Minimal Value
4. No Value

Question Title

* 4. Was the time allocated for individual conference appointments appropriate?

1. There was too much time for each appointment
2. The time was just about right for each appointment
3. There was not enough time for most of the appointments

Question Title

* 5. Would you prefer to continue some format of the ‘individual appointment’ model next year in October, 2013?

1. Yes, I like this model
2. Yes, but I would like to see improvements in this model (please comment below)
3. No, I prefer ‘student-led conferences’ in both the fall and the spring

Question Title

* 6. In the comment box below, please provide any positive comments you may wish to share, frustrations you may have experienced, and/or questions, ideas or suggestions about our conferences of October 4-5, 2012.