Grader: Quick Edit (from LSU): Add a pop-up screen for grading one item for all students, or all items for one student.
Grader: Always keep column headers and row headers on screen - so that you can scroll horizontally and vertically without losing student information columns and without losing item header rows (including Range and Average)
Grader: Repeat column headers - Main headers can scroll off screen but headers are repeated every X number of lines
Grader: Button to clear overrides for a whole column - removes overrides for overridden cells in that column
Grader: Fullscreen view - hide all blocks and non-essential headers to provide maximum space for grading
Grader: Groups menu - Show the groups selection menu even when the course level setting isn't set
Grader: Drag-and-drop reordering of grades - being able to drag columns around the Grader report and lines up and down in Categories and items
Grader: Force full view for categories and Items - eliminate simple view
Grader: Thinner header titles - user-definable wrapping of text and column width
Grader: Thinner header titles - using vertical text
Grader: Control which user fields are displayed in student lists
Grader: User filters - Better ways to filter down to particular students in large classes
Grader: local simplification - more admin settings to hide UI and config settings from teachers
User: Always keep column headers on screen - so they don’t disappear on long User reports