10% of survey complete.
You are being asked to participate in a research study being conducted by Dr. Kirsten Johnson of Elizabethtown College and Dr. Burton St. John of Old Dominion University. The purpose of this study is to see how you view your role as a citizen journalist, as well as to understand your view on how the field of journalism may be changing.

You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this study.

During the study you will be asked to answer a series of questions. All of your responses to the questions will be anonymous. The study will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. If at any point you are not comfortable answering any of the questions, please feel free to stop answering and log off of your computer.

There are no risks or discomforts anticipated from your participation in this study.

If you would like to be contacted in the future to answer some follow up questions for the survey, please enter your name and email when prompted after completing the questions. Your name and email address will not be associated with your responses.

If you have any questions about this study, or if any research related injury occurs, please contact Dr. Kirsten Johnson, Department of Communications, Elizabethtown College:
Phone: 717-361-1258
E-mail: johnsonka@etown.edu

If you have a question concerning your rights as a participant, please contact the Elizabethtown College IRB:
Phone: 717-361-1133
E-mail: farishs@etown.edu

Participation in this study is voluntary, and you can refuse to be in the study or stop at any time. There will be no negative consequences if you decide not to participate or to stop.

By clicking on the “next” button below you are agreeing to participate in the study.