Question Title

* 1. There are many potential benefits of an association of LDS publishing professionals. How valuable would each of the following potential benefits be?

  Most Valuable Somewhat Valuable Not Valuable Don't Know
Help Latter-day Saints in publishing connect with each other
Provide professional development programs for Latter-day Saints in publishing
Attract more Latter-day Saints to publishing careers
Help LDS students learn of opportunities and requirements for publishing jobs
Help Latter-day Saints in publishing provide advice and support to each other
Help Latter-day Saints start their own publishing businesses
Provide tools and resources to help LDS publishing professionals be more effective

Question Title

* 2. Which potential benefit of an association of LDS publishing professionals do you believe would be most valuable -- and why?

Question Title

* 3. What roles in publishing do you currently fulfill? Please mark all below that apply.

Question Title

* 4. What challenges currently impede Latter-day Saints from pursuing careers in publishing or being successful in publishing careers?

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following areas of publishing would you include in the scope of the association?

  Yes, include Lean toward including Lean against including No, do not include
Book and e-book publishing
Newspaper and newsletter publishing
Magazine and journal publishing
Blog and website publishing
Audio and video publishing

Question Title

* 6. Which groups should be eligible for membership in this proposed association?

  Yes, full membership Maybe full membership Allow associate membership Do not include
Persons who have full-time jobs doing publishing work
Persons who have part-time jobs doing publishing work
Persons who do paid freelance publishing work
Self-publishers of blogs, newsletters, books, or other publications
Students studying to prepare for a career in publishing
Educators, advisors, counselors, and others who help the above groups
Anyone interested in belonging to the association

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following potential names of the association are most effective?

  Most effective Somewhat effective Ineffective Very ineffective
Association of Mormon Publishing Professionals (AMPP)
Mormon Publishing Association (MPA)
Light: Association of Mormon Publishing Professionals (LAMPP)
LDS Publishing Professionals (LDSPP)
Publish: Association of Mormon Publishing Professionals (PAMPP)
Mormon Publishing Professionals Organization (MPPO)
Association of Mormons in Publishing (AMP)

Question Title

* 8. Which name idea do you like best -- and why?

Question Title

* 9. Would you like to be involved in some way in exploring and organizing this proposed association? Please mark all below that apply.

Question Title

* 10. What is your name? If we may contact you again, what is your email address? (If you do not wish to give your name, please type in an initial.)