
In keeping with our goal to continuously improve, we are asking for your candid feedback. Please take a few moments to fill out this employee opinion survey. Please answer ALL questions, be HONEST, provide AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE, include things you like about the company, and also tell us if you think there are things that can be improved.

A summary of the results will be prepared so we can use the feedback to learn and develop action plans for improvement. An overall summary will be prepared for the company to assess areas for additional training and emphasis.

Your individual responses will be completely confidential. The information provided to your management will be a compiled summary of the responses from their store and will not disclose individual names. No one should ask you about what you put on your survey. If you are asked, please report this to me or another member of management.

You have been sent a notice for this survey that included a Personal Survey Code. To start the survey, please enter your Personal Survey Code and your possition. You will then be re-directed to the propper survey based on the information you provide.

Question Title

Personal Survey Code: