Exit this survey >> 2017 Meeting Location Survey 1. Background The selection of a site for the annual meeting relies on a number of factors--ease of access to the city, availability of hotel and meeting rooms, and general hotel rates for meeting registrants. Before we make a final decision about the location for the 2017 meeting, we would like your input about the options under consideration. Question Title * 1. How many AHA annual meetings have you attended? None 1 2-4 5 or more Don't know Question Title * 2. Where do you currently live? Northeast South Midwest West Question Title * 3. Which of the following cities would you find appealing as the site for the 2017 AHA annual meeting. (Please select all that might be of interest to you.) Denver, Colorado Los Angeles, California San Diego, California San Francisco, California Seattle, Washington None of the Above Question Title * 4. Which of the following cities would you find most appealing as the site for the 2017 AHA annual meeting. (Select one.) Denver, Colorado Los Angeles, California San Diego, California San Francisco, California Seattle, Washington Question Title * 5. Please tell us which factors would be most important in your decision to attend (check all that apply): Personal finances Sessions on the program Scheduling (the meeting will be held January 5 to 8) Support from my department or institution Location Other reasons (if any) Many thanks for your assistance. We hope to see you in Chicago! Done >>