Production or output has declined or is lower than desired.
Complaints, grievances, or low morale is present.
Conflicts or hostility between members is present.
Some people are confused about assignments, or their relationships with other people are unclear.
Lack of clear goals and lack of commitment to goals exist.
Apathy or lack of interest and involvement by members is in evidence.
Insufficient innovation, risk taking, imagination, or initiative exists.
Ineffective and inefficient meetings are common.
Working relationships across levels are unsatisfactory.
Lack of coordination among functions is apparent.
Poor communication exists; people are afraid to speak up; listening isn't occurring; and information isn't being shared.
Lack of trust exists among members and between members and senior leaders.
Decisions are made that some members don't understand, or with which they don't agree.
People feel that good work is not rewarded or that rewards are unfairly administered.
People are not encouraged to work together for the good of the team.
Key stakeholders are not part of decision making.
People work too slowly and there is too much redundancy in the work being done.
Issues and challenges that require the input of more than one person are being faced.
People or units must coordinate their activities in order for the work to be accomplished.
Very difficult challenges that no single person can resolve and/or diagnose are being faced.