The City of Los Altos, in coordination with the Los Altos and Cupertino Unified School Districts, is seeking to improve school travel choice, safety, and education by further developing its Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) program.

The following parent survey is an essential component of the planning process, and we hope you can take 5-10 minutes to answer the questions as accurately and truthfully as possible. All responses will be kept confidential.

Please complete the survey by Friday, October 10th. The City plans to compile and present results to the school and parent community this fall, along with new Suggested Routes to School maps and safety education materials.

Thank You!

For more information about Safe Routes to School resources and activities in the Bay Area, please visit:

For more information regarding the City of Los Altos' Safe Routes to School initiative, as well as the currently ongoing Pedestrian Master Plan development process, please visit:

Greentown Los Altos, a local advocacy group, also conducts Safe Routes to School activities. More information is available at: