1. Yes, I'd like to help you with the "Nature Detectives" survey evaluation!

We want to understand whether engaging in out-of-school science education programs like "Nature Detectives" affect kids' interest in science, confidence in doing science, or their connection to nature and the environment. You can help us!

We are seeking 15 out-of-school-time programs to help us determine how "Afterschool Investigators: Nature Detectives" affects their participants.

Selected programs will receive a complimentary "Nature Detectives" kit with enough supplies to cover as many as 20 participants. Each kit includes six hands-on lessons and many optional extension activities that encourage youth to explore their environment. You'll also get feedback from our evaluators about if (and how) your participation benefited your participants.

As an evaluator, you agree to administer a PRE and POST survey to your 9-13 year old participants, and teach them using the Nature Detectives curriculum. Each survey should take no more than 20-30 minutes to administer.

* students must be between 9-13 years old.
* you should be able to give the pre-survey to at least 10 participants, complete most/all of the lessons, then give the post-survey to the same participants.
* all components (pre-survey, teaching, and post-survey) must be completed before August 1, 2012.

Please note: We would like to include minority or under-served youth as much as possible.

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* 1. Contact and school information:

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* 2. We are most interested in surveying kids who are 9-13 years old.
About how many youth will you be able to give the surveys to?

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* 3. In a few sentences, please tell us a little bit about your program. For example: Is your program large or small; is it located in a rural, urban, or suburban area; does it take place in a school, in community center, or somewhere else?

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* 4. In a few sentences, please tell us a little bit about your participants. For example: Does your program reach underserved youth? What would you like us to know about the children you work with?

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* 5. When do you plan to do "Nature Detectives" with youth and what structure will the program take? (for example once a week in June and July, a club activity taking place throughout the month of May, etc.)

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* 6. In a sentence or two, please tell us how the "Nature Detectives" kit might benefit your program or the children you reach. For example, would BirdSleuth enhance an existing club or effort, or help you create a new one?

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* 7. If you are selected as an evaluator, will you...

  Yes No Unsure
Be able to take youth outdoors?
Give the pre-survey to at least ten 9-13 year olds and send the responses to the Cornell Lab?
Teach most/all of the six "Nature Detectives" lessons?
Give post-survey to the same youth who took the pre-survey, and send the responses to the Cornell Lab?
Fill out a brief implementation survey so we know which lessons you completed?
Complete all of the above activities on or before August 1, 2012.
I might be willing to chat with an educator about my experience with the "Nature Detectives" lessons after I use it.

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* 8. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know! Thank you very much for applying. We'll be in touch on/before April 2, 2012.