Cincinnati SLA & SWON Libraries : Framing the Framework: Information Literacy for Higher Education and Beyond |
A program co-sponsored by SLA-Cincinnati and SWON Libraries
In February, the Association of College and Research Libraries adopted the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. The Framework consists of six threshold concepts and represents a major shift in thinking and learning about information literacy in the digital age. This document builds on ideas presented in the American Association of School Librarian’s Standards for the 21st Century Learner, and it remains to be seen how the Framework may influence research-related competencies outside of higher education. Join your regional colleagues to learn more about the Framework and discuss implications for our profession. Craig Gibson, co-chair of the ACRL task force charged with creating the Framework, will be the featured speaker. A panel of librarians from various settings will also be on hand to share insights and ideas.
About the Speaker:
Craig Gibson is Professor and Head of the Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Library at The Ohio State University. Prior to OSU, he was Associate University Librarian for Research, Instructional and Outreach Services in the Libraries at George Mason University. He has also held positions at Washington State University, Lewis-Clark State College, and the University of Texas at Arlington. He has taught in the library science program at the Catholic University of America. In 2000, he was a member of the ACRL task force that wrote the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. More recently, he co-chaired the ACRL task force that authored the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. He is the author of numerous publication on topics connected to information literacy.
DATE: Monday, April 20
TIME: 4:00 – 6:00 PM
LOCATION: University of Cincinnati – Langsam Library, Room 671
2911 Woodside Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45221
About the Speaker:
Craig Gibson is Professor and Head of the Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Library at The Ohio State University. Prior to OSU, he was Associate University Librarian for Research, Instructional and Outreach Services in the Libraries at George Mason University. He has also held positions at Washington State University, Lewis-Clark State College, and the University of Texas at Arlington. He has taught in the library science program at the Catholic University of America. In 2000, he was a member of the ACRL task force that wrote the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. More recently, he co-chaired the ACRL task force that authored the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. He is the author of numerous publication on topics connected to information literacy.
DATE: Monday, April 20
TIME: 4:00 – 6:00 PM
LOCATION: University of Cincinnati – Langsam Library, Room 671
2911 Woodside Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45221
COST: $5 for SLA & SWON members, $10 non-members, free to retired librarians and MLIS students. Parking is covered by SWON Libraries. Checks payable to SLA Cincinnati Chapter.
Questions? Contact Andrea Brooks at or Mary Jenkins at