The Schomberg Arena operated as an ice skating facility and a community centre for thirty plus years, providing a physical space in which ice and sport activities and a variety of public meetings, special events and celebrations could take place and as the venue for the Schomberg Agricultural Spring Fair in May of each year.
Provincial and Federal Government infrastructure development funding became available in 2010 for municipalities to either add to existing or construct new infrastructure to enhance the facilities and services provided to community residents. To take advantage of this funding opportunity, King Township Council decided to replace the aging Schomberg Arena with a new community centre facility and the Trisan Centre was constructed. As a result of this decision, King Township Council directed staff to proceed with the sale of the Schomberg Arena property with the intent that proceeds (estimated at the time to be approximately $1,300,000) would help offset a portion of the Trisan Centre construction costs.
The Township is now exploring all feasible options for re-purposing the facility while considering the needs of the community and ways to generate the required financing for the Trisan Centre.
To ensure that the public is well informed of the rationale for re-purposing the facility Township Council would like to hear from residents and other key stakeholder regarding their suggestions for potential alternative re-purposing options for the building and property (municipal and otherwise).
This will be a two phase process: three public consultation sessions will be held the week of September 24, 2012; and this online survey to provide an additional opportunity for residents and other key stakeholders to provide their input.
Please take a few moments (10 to 15 minutes) to complete the following questions.
Your participation will make a worthwhile contribution to the public input process and is appreciated.