Velocity SME events - market research

We'd very much appreciate if you could please take 5 minutes to complete this 10-question survey before 5pm on Wednesday 5th March.


Small firms in the UK drive economic growth through innovation, competition and job creation.

Small businesses have a disproportionately large contribution to job creation in the UK, creating 2.61 million jobs in 1998-2010. Yet there is also a high destruction rate, with 70-80% not surviving 10 years. However, the high-growth SMEs which do survive account for 25% of all new jobs.

Velocity Growth Hub is designed to support owner / managers of high-growth SMEs in the South East Midlands and help others become high-growth companies, improving local economic growth and local job creation.

We have developed some ideas for series of Velocity events which we hope are relevant to owner / managers of high-growth SMEs. We'd very much like to know what you think of them.

Part of this work is to identify the right subjects and to avoid duplication with existing revenue-generating offers at our Chamber of Commerce partners and across other local business networks. Where these other events exist, we intend to offer a free advertising service on the Velocity website ( to include them in our Events calendar.

So thank you - we really appreciate your time in helping us create a strong programme that will help your business.

The Velocity team - James, Gayle, Clare and Kirstin