
By completing this survey and clicking "done," you agree that your responses may be used by The Cumorah Foundation for research purposes.

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* 1. Member Background Information

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* 2. How many attend sacrament meeting in your ward, branch, or group?

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* 3. What percentage of members in your home ward, branch, or member group would you estimate to be active?

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* 4. What do you believe are some of the primary factors for why less-active and inactive members do not regularly attend church in your congregation?

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* 5. How many converts have joined the Church in your congregation within the past year?

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* 6. What percentage of converts in your congregation would you estimate to remain active one year after baptism?

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* 7. Please describe what member-missionary participation looks like in your congregation.

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* 8. Has the Hastening of the Work of Salvation website and broadcast been implemented in your congregation? If yes, how has this affected missionary work in your congregation?

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* 9. How many missionary companionships serve in your congregation?

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* 10. Please describe the ethnic composition of your congregation including diversity issues such as marital status, religious background, language use, and socioeconomic status.

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* 11. Any missionary or church growth developments in your area you wish to share?