Keloid Survey |
1. Keloid Survey
Web Based Investigation of Natural History of Keloid; An Online Survey of Patients with Keloid."
Before you can take this survey, you MUST attest that you are above age of 18.
Your responses will be kept completely confidential. We will NOT ask who you are. We will not record your IP address when you use internet to respond to this survey. All information will be stored electronically in a password protected folder. All this will be kept confidential. Only the researchers will see your individual survey responses and the results of the analysis of your answers. Again, no one will know who provided the answers. This survey will be conducted in an anonymous way.
You participation in this study is totally voluntary and anonymous. All of the information you provide is considered research record and will be subject to state and federal laws and regulations dealing with the confidentiality and privacy of medical and research records.
We intend to publish the results of this study
Those who are under age of 18 may not participate in this study. Parents may take this survey on behalf of their minor children.