
14% of survey complete.
Promoting Resiliency of Trauma Exposed Communities Together (PROTECT) is the Illinois initiative to mitigate toxic stress and trauma in early childhood. PROTECT will expand access to trauma-informed resources systemically and statewide, coordinate efforts among systems, and engage and work with families and communities exposed to trauma to build resilience.

As part of the PROTECT initiative, Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics is conducting an assessment of the strengths and gaps for early childhood service providers who access trauma-informed resources such as training and coaching.

To this end, we request that you complete this survey. Your responses will aid us as we garner valuable information about existing professional development, policy and systems integration, and standards and protocols for becoming trauma-informed and maintaining trauma-informed practices. From the survey results we can provide an overview of the great work done in these three areas and the gaps that Illinois needs to name and address.

Please feel free to share this survey with other colleagues within your organizations, as all responses are valuable to PROTECT leadership.

This survey takes about 7 minutes to complete, and will be available until April 10, 2014.

Thank you.