You are invited to be in a research study examining community building within fiber arts spaces. As part of my research as a faculty member at Salem State University, I am conducting a research study examining ways in which community is created within these types of groups/spaces.  This study will focus primarily on your perspectives and experiences regarding your community participation. Understanding how communities are built, maintained and sustained benefits individual and group communication and shapes our viewpoints and interactions with others.

Your participation requires completion of one survey, which may take up to 30 minutes. If you indicate a willingness to be further interviewed you may be selected to complete one 60-minute interview with me via a method of your choosing. With your permission, the interview will be audiotaped and transcribed. All notes, audiotapes, and transcriptions will be kept in a locked drawer in my home office. After a period of 5 years, the audiotapes will be destroyed (remaining data such as notes and transcriptions, will remain secured in a locked drawer). This study may benefit you, as well as others, by providing insight into community building and group communication. At your request, you will be provided with the findings of this study. Please indicate your preference regarding receipt of study findings in the survey and/or on the consent form (consent form will only be used if one-on-one interview is conducted. Completion of survey will indicate consent for the survey.

Information you provide will remain confidential and your identity will be protected, upon your request, throughout the study and publication of study results. Your identity will not be revealed in any published results unless you specifically request identification. If you choose to protect your identity, study results will be presented in a summary manner and/or with the use of pseudonyms. Please indicate your preference regarding name change/identity protection on the consent form (only applicable for interview portion, not survey).

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you can refrain from answering any questions without penalty or explanation. You are free to withdraw consent and to discontinue participation in the research study at any time. If you decide to participate and change your mind later, you may withdraw your consent and stop your participation at any time without penalty or explanation.

If you have any questions or comments about this study, you can contact me at 419-575-3473 or  You may also contact the Chair, Institutional Review Board, Salem State University, (978) 542-7177 (, if any problems or concerns arise during the course of the study.
9% of survey complete.