1. TINS Inquiry Web-Based Training Evaluation

Thank you for taking this Training Center Web-based course on FMX. Now that you have taken the course, please take a few moments to fill out our survey — it is entirely anonymous. Your comments are greatly appreciated. They help with improving the quality of our current training and developing future Web-based training courses.

After you have finished the survey, you will be redirected to the login screen for Fiscal Management's Training Center where you can take the exam for this course.

Question Title

1. Please rate each of the following aspects of the Web-based training class you have completed.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The course objectives were clearly explained
The course objectives stated were met
The content was presented in a logical sequence
The course content will improve my ability to do my job more effectively
The course exercises helped me understand the course content
The course met my expectations
I would recommend this course to my colleagues
The course was just the right length of time

Question Title

2. Please share any information you believe would help us improve this course.