How much will the test cost?
A fatty-acid profile for each sample will cost about $212. (The lab we’ve chosen normally charges $267 for a fatty-acid profile. However, MOTHER EARTH NEWS is coordinating the project and handling monthly lump sum payments, so the lab is giving us a volume discount, which we can pass on to you.) Producers will be required to ship samples overnight via FedEx or UPS to the lab in San Francisco. Rate quotes from two shipping companies give us an estimate of about $150 to $200 for the required insulated packaging and overnight shipping.
Thus, we estimate the total cost to participate will be $400 to $500 per sample. What you'll get in return is a report you can share with your customers that provides proof of the healthfulness of your products.
To participate in the testing project:
Step 1: Fill out the Feeding Practices questionnaire here and indicate which month you’d like to submit your sample(s).
Step 2: We’ll contact you early in the month you indicate and send you instructions on exactly when and how to ship the sample, and the payment amount you’ll need to send to us. (Meat samples must be shipped frozen, and dairy and eggs must be chilled.)
Step 3: After you receive the instructions, follow them carefully and ship the sample to the lab and the check to us.
Step 4: The lab will send the test results to us, and we will send you a copy.