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* 1. What school do you attend?

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* 2. What grade are you in?

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. Do you know who the School Board member is that represents your school and neighborhood on the Buffalo Board of Education?

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* 5. Do you know who your school's Student Ambassador is?

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* 6. Which answer would best describe your response to the statement: "I feel safe in my school."

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* 7. Which answer would best describe your response to the statement:  "I feel I am often penalized at school for the negative behavior of a few students who do not follow the rules".

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* 8. What factor do you feel contribute most to feelings of school safety?

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* 9. Of the following non-core classes, how important do you feel each are to your overall learning experience?

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important
Physical Education

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* 10. How influential are your PEERS in the following areas:

  No Influence Somewhat of an Influence Strong Influence

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* 11. How influential are your PARENTS in the following areas:

  No Influence Somewhat of an Influence Strong Influence

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* 12. How do you think TEACHERS could be more helpful outside of classroom instruction? (check all that apply)

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* 13. On the whole, are you proud to be a member of your school?

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* 14. As a student, what do you think you can do to improve your school?