Student Viewpoints Question Title * 1. What school do you attend? Burgard City Honors Hutch Tech I-Prep Leonardo daVinci MECHS MST Olmsted Riverside Question Title * 2. What grade are you in? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Fifth year / Other Question Title * 3. What is your gender? Female Male Question Title * 4. Do you know who the School Board member is that represents your school and neighborhood on the Buffalo Board of Education? Yes No Question Title * 5. Do you know who your school's Student Ambassador is? Yes No Question Title * 6. Which answer would best describe your response to the statement: "I feel safe in my school." Strongly Agree With Statement Agree With Statement Somewhat Agree With Statement Disagree With Statement Strongly Disagree With Statement Question Title * 7. Which answer would best describe your response to the statement: "I feel I am often penalized at school for the negative behavior of a few students who do not follow the rules". Strongly Agree With Statement Agree With Statement Somewhat Agree With Statement Disagree with Statement Strongly Disagree With Statement Question Title * 8. What factor do you feel contribute most to feelings of school safety? Adequate hallway supervision Number of security guards Civility in conversation between adults and students Behavior of our peers Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Of the following non-core classes, how important do you feel each are to your overall learning experience? Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important Art Art Not Important Art Somewhat Important Art Very Important Music Music Not Important Music Somewhat Important Music Very Important Physical Education Physical Education Not Important Physical Education Somewhat Important Physical Education Very Important Question Title * 10. How influential are your PEERS in the following areas: No Influence Somewhat of an Influence Strong Influence Behavior Behavior No Influence Behavior Somewhat of an Influence Behavior Strong Influence Academics/Grades Academics/Grades No Influence Academics/Grades Somewhat of an Influence Academics/Grades Strong Influence Attitude Attitude No Influence Attitude Somewhat of an Influence Attitude Strong Influence Question Title * 11. How influential are your PARENTS in the following areas: No Influence Somewhat of an Influence Strong Influence Behavior Behavior No Influence Behavior Somewhat of an Influence Behavior Strong Influence Academics/Grades Academics/Grades No Influence Academics/Grades Somewhat of an Influence Academics/Grades Strong Influence Attitude Attitude No Influence Attitude Somewhat of an Influence Attitude Strong Influence Question Title * 12. How do you think TEACHERS could be more helpful outside of classroom instruction? (check all that apply) One-on-one time Tutoring sessions after school Positive phone calls home Words of encouragement Weekly grade reviews Please share any other suggestions you may have Question Title * 13. On the whole, are you proud to be a member of your school? Yes No Question Title * 14. As a student, what do you think you can do to improve your school? Done