Short Survey

Please select your institution, provide your contact information, and then select one answer for each of the following three questions about your current FY2012–2013 budget as compared to your FY2011–2012 budgets.

The total of all sources of income (e.g., institutional budget, grants, endowment and other income) should be included in answering these questions. To emphasize the obvious—this survey is about beginning of the year budgets not end-of-year expenditures that we systematically collect for our annual statistics publications.

Question Title

* Please provide your contact information:

Question Title

* Compared to the FY2011-2012 budget, the FY2012–2013 content acquisition budget:

Question Title

* Compared to the FY2011–2012 budget, the FY2012–2013 budget for all non-materials items (include here personnel, operations, and other categories; exclude any capital related funding):

Question Title

* What, if any, salary increases were provided for your staff, excluding any promotion or retention related raises?

Question Title

* Please provide details (e.g., across the board, percentages of merit increases, etc.)

50% of survey complete.