Introduction to the survey

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) represents the long-term strategy and program for the JPI Urban Europe for 2015-2020. It is based on the JPI Urban Europe’s mission and proposes a general framework for the JPI Urban Europe research and innovation programme, including a general research approach, thematic priorities and an implementation plan regarding timelines and instruments.

As a preparatory step towards this SRIA an outline has been developed which describes the basic SRIA concept: on the one hand highlighting the thematic priorities and on the other hand indicating instruments for implementation. The outline is based on several sources. First, the analysis of urban megatrends performed by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the JPI Urban Europe. Second, we received input from a first national consultation round regarding national strategies and priorities and third, results from other European funded projects were used. Furthermore, a process of co-creation was established to support the SAB in their efforts of developing the SRIA concept by providing input and reflections from other stakeholder groups and networks, such as the Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA), city administrations or other scientific experts.

A clear positioning of the JPI Urban Europe in terms of research approach, research areas and instruments is important in order to develop a strong and attractive profile. This positioning happens in the context of existing national and European activities. This is why we are putting the SRIA outline forward for a consultation. The ambition is to gather national views on the concept, to raise awareness in your national community on the ambition and opportunities of JPI Urban Europe and to generate more detailed input on themes, topics and implementation issues.

Following the outline of the SRIA concept we want to receive feedback on three issues:
Part 1: Transition towards sustainability and livability
Part 2: The national view on the thematic priorities
Part 3: Implementation and Instruments

For questions and requests please contact .
Thank you!!

[JPI UE SAB Members: O. Coutard, G. Finnveden, S. Kabisch, R. Kitchin, R. Matos, C. Pronello, D. Robinson]