
50% of survey complete.
Semaphore is conducting its seventh annual survey of Private Equity and Venture Capital partners, principals and professionals supporting the industry. The purpose of this survey is to gather input from our industry friends and clients with the results reported to all current subscribers of the Semaphore PE Signals Blog and our periodic Semaphore Reporter, as well as the subscribers of Term Sheet.

We wish to gauge your expectations with regard to the kind, size and frequency of deal making that you expect to conduct and/or support in calendar year 2015, as well as your general confidence about the upcoming year.

The survey will take 2-3 minutes and respondent identity will not be reported to us.

Question Title

* 1. Choose one of the following descriptions that best represents you.

Question Title

* 2. In 2014 I invested in and/or worked on investment deals with the following dollar value (answer each row separately).

  Under $1MM over $ 1MM to 5MM over $ 5MM to 10MM over $10MM to 25MM over $25 MM
1st deal
2nd deal
3rd deal
4th deal
5th deal
6th deal
7th deal
8th deal
9th deal
10th deal

Question Title

* 3. In 2015 I expect to invest in and/or work on investment deals with the following dollar value (answer each row separately).

  Under $1MM over $ 1MM to 5MM over $ 5MM to 10MM over $10MM to 25MM over $25 MM
1st deal
2nd deal
3rd deal
4th deal
5th deal
6th deal
7th deal
8th deal
9th deal
10th deal

Question Title

* 4. In what top three industries do you expect to make deals in 2015?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate your confidence in the following in 2015.

  Not Confident Not Very Confident Neutral Somewhat Confident Confident
The national economy
The international economy
My own business
My industry
My principal competitor(s) business

Question Title

* 6. Please rate your confidence in the following.

  Not Confident Not Very Confident Neutral Somewhat Confident Confident Not Applicable
My immediate boss
My CEO, Managing Partner, etc.
My principal competitor(s) CEO, Managing Partner, etc.
President Obama
The Obama Economic Team
Speaker of the House Boehner
Senate Majority Leader McConnell
The US Congress
US National Tax and Spending Policy
My State's Governor/Legislature
My National Government (if other than US)

Question Title

* 7. In 2015 I expect to personally earn (in comparison to 2014):

Question Title

* 8. In 2014 I earned:

Question Title

* 9. Please tell us where you live.

Question Title

* 10. Please provide any commentary you think appropriate.