
Program Information:
The Wexner Graduate Fellowship Mentoring Program will leverage the deep and diverse talent that has been nurtured by twenty-six years of the Fellowship Program. The program will provide a framework for continuing support and guidance of Wexner alumni, bolstered by content-rich, personalized learning. This program will engage up to 20 mentors and 20 mentees each year. Through participation in this program, mentor volunteers will build coaching and supervisory skills that will help them lead more effectively in their professional and communal lives. Mentees will drive the relationship by working with their mentor to create mutually agreed-upon goals and expectations and will hold one another accountable to the highest level of informed, committed participation.

Please note: Eligible mentors and mentees will be selected from the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Alumni Community.

Program Expectations:
• Mentors and mentees will connect once every three weeks through in-person, Skype, or phone meetings, as well as one on-site visit.
• Mentors and mentees are required to participate in a day-long Mentoring Retreat on February 26, 2014, immediately following the 2014 Wexner Graduate Fellowship Alumni Institute [participation in the Alumni Institute is not mandatory].
• Mentor and Mentee pairings will receive coaching/consulting during the year with The Ringel Group and Cindy Chazan.

A Word about Mentorship:
It is common for terms like mentoring, supervision and coaching to be used interchangeably. While coaching and mentoring use many of the same skills, one is short term and task-oriented while the other promises a longer-term relationship. A mentor is usually a more experienced and qualified colleague who can pass on knowledge and experience. So while it is appropriate and desirable for a person's immediate supervisor to coach them, a mentor is best not to be in the direct reporting line. With this in mind, the mentoring relationship enables purposeful conversation. It is about learning not teaching and both mentors and those mentored grow from the experience.

Application Deadline:
Submission of your application is due by December 23, 2013.
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