3 Drug & Alcohol CEUs approved for LADC, CADC, Case Manager, and 3 CEUs approved for LPC and LMFT.

Go to www.EnvisionOK.com for more information about all our trainings and our Associate Membership Program.

Question Title

1. Please complete the following for the training participant:

Question Title

2. Is someone other than the individual listed above is paying for this registration? if so, please complete this section.

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3. Credentials (select all that apply):

Question Title

4. Please select your payment amount below:

Question Title

5. Payment method:
Total participant size is limited to 12. No refunds unless cancelled 48 hours prior to training. Please understand because our participant size is small everyone is important. Your seat is reserved when payment is received.

To pay by check or money order, send payment to:
Envision Counseling Associates
P.O. Box 1762
Norman, OK 73070

If you select payment by credit card or Paypal you will receive an email invoice with payment instructions.

Thank you for your registration. Upon receipt of your payment you will receive a payment receipt which is your registration confirmation. Call Gail at 405-698-1762 or email register@envisioncounselingok.com if you have any questions.
Training description:

Many of us learn about using Genograms and may even use them (or have used them) in our sessions. For a variety of reasons we may have discontinued using them or wonder if maybe we are missing something which could improve the usefulness of Genograms.

Genograms can be used to display family information graphically in a way that provides a quick gestalt of complex family patterns. They are a rich source of hypothesis about how a clinical problem may be connected to the evolution of both the problem and the family's context over time. Genograms make it easier for clinicians to keep in mind the complexity of the families history and patterns while helping the clinician get to know the family. It helps to identify family relationships and the value of the relationships in a very visual way.

Schedule and Objectives:

8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

- Brief review of the history and key concepts of Genograms and reasons this tool is of particular value when working with substance dependent and co-occurring individuals and their families.

- Review of the standard symbols used while developing Genograms.

- Identify and discuss practical strategies for using Genograms as an assessment tool for substance dependent and co-occurring individuals and their families.

- Participants will practice the skills discussed using case examples or their own life.
Trainers: Rock Richardson, LPC, LADC and Gail Wilcox, LADC, LPC,

Training location: 1005 N Flood St, Suite 137, Norman, OK 73071

Directions to our office:
From I-35:
Take Robinson Street exit and go East to Flood Avenue. Turn right (south) on to Flood Avenue. After you pass Daylight Donuts (on the right) you should see a sign for Elite Plaza on the left. Turn left into the parking lot just past The Elite Plaza sign. Directly in front of you is "A Cut From Above." Turn left between the two buildings. We are in the building on the right (east). You should see a set of double glass doors set back (not flush with the front of the building) go through those doors and turn right.

From the East on Highway 9:
Turn north on 24th street East and follow the road until you get to Robinson Street and go West (left) to Flood Avenue. Turn left (north) on to Flood Avenue. After you pass Daylight Donuts (on the right) you should see a sign for Elite Plaza on the left. Turn left into the parking lot just past The Elite Plaza sign. Directly in front of you is "A Cut From Above." Turn left between the two buildings. We are in the building on the right (east). You should see a set of double glass doors set back (not flush with the front of the building) go through those doors and turn right.

From The west on Highway 9:
Turn north (left) on 24th street west. Turn right (east) onto Robinson Street and go East to Flood Avenue. Turn right (south) on to Flood Avenue. After you pass Daylight Donuts (on the right) you should see a sign for Elite Plaza on the left. Turn left into the parking lot just past The Elite Plaza sign. Directly in front of you is "A Cut From Above." Turn left between the two buildings. We are in the building on the right (east). You should see a set of double glass doors set back (not flush with the front of the building) go through those doors and turn right.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the training. The directions above may not match directions suggested by your GPS and may not be the fastest. I think they are the simplest.

Call Gail at 405-498-1762 if you need additional assistance.

Question Title

6. For Envision Counseling Associates Only:
