Review into the financial sustainability of the voluntary sector 2014 |
Review into the financial sustainability of the voluntary sector 2014
NCVO, Charity Finance Group, NAVCA, Institute of Fundraising and Small Charities Coalition have come together to undertake a review into the impact of the recession on the finances of the voluntary sector.
This call for evidence asks questions about how the recession has impacted on your organisation's finances. Your response will help us to understand better how organisations have fared over the recession and the changes they've experienced.
Managers and treasurers of small and medium sized charities and finance managers/directors in larger charities are likely to have the information required to answer this call for evidence.
Responses will remain confidential, but quotes may be used without attribution. We will follow up with some respondents to see if they would be willing to be case studies to illustrate themes that emerge from the review.
The call for evidence will close on Tuesday 30th September 2014.
If you would like to find out more information about the Review and its aims, you can read this blog article - http://blogs.ncvo.org.uk/2014/06/12/a-mot-for-the-voluntary-sectors-finances/
This call for evidence asks questions about how the recession has impacted on your organisation's finances. Your response will help us to understand better how organisations have fared over the recession and the changes they've experienced.
Managers and treasurers of small and medium sized charities and finance managers/directors in larger charities are likely to have the information required to answer this call for evidence.
Responses will remain confidential, but quotes may be used without attribution. We will follow up with some respondents to see if they would be willing to be case studies to illustrate themes that emerge from the review.
The call for evidence will close on Tuesday 30th September 2014.
If you would like to find out more information about the Review and its aims, you can read this blog article - http://blogs.ncvo.org.uk/2014/06/12/a-mot-for-the-voluntary-sectors-finances/