The consultation is open to residents and businesses within the Cotswold District Council area.

Please provide the following details:

* We will not be able to consider your response if you do not provide your name and address.

Question Title

* Your name:

Question Title

* Are you a...

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* Resident address (if applicable):

Question Title

* Business name and address (if applicable):

Please could you indicate your view on each of the budget proposals for 2015/16 by ticking the appropriate boxes below:

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* 1. We are considering reducing the Cotswolds District Council tax by 3% i.e. Band D council tax would reduce to £129. Do you agree or disagree with this?

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* 2. Do you think we should freeze car parking charges for 2015/16?

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* 3. Do you think we should freeze garden waste collection fees for 2015/16?

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* 4. The Council is planning to make savings to management overheads in 2015/16 rather than make cuts to services. Do you agree or disagree with this?

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* 5. The Council plans to use the income from the Government’s New Homes Bonus scheme (£2.5m) to compensate for other cuts to Government funding and thereby protect local services. Do you agree or disagree with this?

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* 6. The Council is not proposing to make any changes to standards in front line services for 2015/16. Do you agree or disagree with this?:

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* 7. The Council is not proposing to make any changes to grants to the voluntary sector for 2015/16. Do you agree or disagree with this?

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* 8. Do you have any further comments for the Council to consider as part of its budget setting meeting in February? * Please note that roads/highways are the responsibility of Gloucestershire County Council and not Cotswold District Council.