Question Title

* 1. Please provide feedback about the ACCE with regard to the affiliation listed below.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the preparation of the student in the following areas:

  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Providing patient care and safety
Performance of assessment skills within the scope of practice
Use of physical agents for patient care
Use of basic therapeutic exercises
Development of rehabilitation program for patients with orthopedic conditions
Development of rehabilitation program for patients with amputations
Development of rehabilitation program for patients with cardiac conditions
Development of rehabilitation program for patients with pulmonary conditions
Development of rehabilitation program for patients with neurological conditions
Development of rehabilitation program for patients with burns
Assist with program planning and implementation
Practicing under the supervision of a physical therapist in an ethical, legal, safe and effective manner
Implement a comprehensive treatment plan as developed by a physical therapist
Effective communication with the supervising physical therapist about patient treatment
Appropriate measurement techniques within limits of practice
Interaction with patients and families in an effective manner
Appropriate documentation
Independent thinking skills
Critical thinking skills
Communication skills
Commitment to continuing personal and professional growth
Exemplifies the Standards of Practice for Physical Therapy, the Standards of Conduct for Physical Therapist Assistant, and the Guide for Conduct of the Affiliate Manner
Practices within the scope of the PTA's ability in the delivery of care
Appropriate discharge criteria and procedures and follow up care
Activities of daily living
Assistive devices
Gait training
Balance training
Developmental activities
Electric current
Electromagnetic radiation
External compression
Patient/Family education
Postural training
Body mechanics
Pulmonary hygiene techniques
Therapeutic exercise
Therapeutic massage
Thermal agents
Universal precautions/infection control
Wound care
Architectural barriers and environmental modifications
Joint range of motion
Functional activities
Righting and equilibrium reactions
Girth and volume measurements
Vital signs

Question Title

* 3. In which areas do you feel the student was best prepared for the clinical?

Question Title

* 4. In which areas do you feel additional preparation is needed?

Question Title

* 5. Additional input you would like to provide.

Thanks for your time. Your feedback is essential to the continued success of the program.