Exit this survey Michelle Creber - CD title Question Title * 1. When considering titles for Michelle Creber's upcoming CD (covers of top hits throughout the last 100 years with at least one song per decade), please indicate your 1st choice. Note: All titles will begin with Michelle's name. e.g. MICHELLE CREBER: Indubitably Sometime This Century Time Machine Songs of a Century A Century of Sound Timeless Gotcha Covered Question Title * 2. Just for fun...please indicate your top honorable mention or "alternative" title :) Michelle Creber sings a bunch of songs Songs from before I was born (mostly) Music from when it was good Apple B100m Ketchup flavored potato chips from heaven Michelle Creber Ultra Awesome Spectacustravaganzabration 2012: The Album! Question Title * 3. In what city & country do you live? (just curious - feel free to skip this question) Question Title * 4. Comments: Done