Exit this survey Saylor.org User Survey 1. Your Experience At Saylor.org 50% of survey complete. Please tell us about your experience with and impressions of Saylor.org. Question Title * How did you find out about Saylor.org? Internet search Link from another website Referral from a friend or colleague Other (please specify) Question Title * Approximately how much time have you spent on Saylor.org? Less than an hour 1 – 5 hours 6 – 10 hours More than 10 hours Question Title * What is your main interest in Saylor.org? Just browsing Career enhancement (get better at my job) Education enhancement (do better in my classes) Help prepare for formal education program Learning for personal gain I'm not interested - it's not for me Other (please specify) Question Title * What is your primary motivation for seeking higher education? Question Title * How have you or do you think you will use saylor.org? I want to complete one of the majors. I want to complete one or more individual courses. I want to use various resources around the site. Other (please specify) Question Title * Please rate the following: 1-Very Poor 2-Poor 3-Undecided 4-Good 5-Very Good Ease of navigation Ease of navigation 1-Very Poor Ease of navigation 2-Poor Ease of navigation 3-Undecided Ease of navigation 4-Good Ease of navigation 5-Very Good Variety of courses Variety of courses 1-Very Poor Variety of courses 2-Poor Variety of courses 3-Undecided Variety of courses 4-Good Variety of courses 5-Very Good Variety of majors Variety of majors 1-Very Poor Variety of majors 2-Poor Variety of majors 3-Undecided Variety of majors 4-Good Variety of majors 5-Very Good Quality of resources Quality of resources 1-Very Poor Quality of resources 2-Poor Quality of resources 3-Undecided Quality of resources 4-Good Quality of resources 5-Very Good Likelihood that you'll return to saylor.org Likelihood that you'll return to saylor.org 1-Very Poor Likelihood that you'll return to saylor.org 2-Poor Likelihood that you'll return to saylor.org 3-Undecided Likelihood that you'll return to saylor.org 4-Good Likelihood that you'll return to saylor.org 5-Very Good Likelihood that you'll recommend saylor.org to a friend Likelihood that you'll recommend saylor.org to a friend 1-Very Poor Likelihood that you'll recommend saylor.org to a friend 2-Poor Likelihood that you'll recommend saylor.org to a friend 3-Undecided Likelihood that you'll recommend saylor.org to a friend 4-Good Likelihood that you'll recommend saylor.org to a friend 5-Very Good Question Title * Do you have suggestions on how we can make Saylor.org more user-friendly? Question Title * Are there any courses not currently offered on Saylor.org that you'd like to see in the future? Question Title * Would you be interested in being profiled on Saylor's blog - The Saylor Journals? If yes, please note your email address here. Next