- Competition site must be a Homestead (HS) or Full sim (FS)

- A neighbor sim is needed for a spectator area. This sim must border along one side of the competition sim (not on a corner). A full sim is required due to the number of spectators normally in attendance. It is possible to hire a full sim from Linden Lab for $50 a day.

- The sim owner will need to provide access to the SLSA for setting up the spectator stands and sponsor ads in the spectator sim at least two days prior to the scheduled competition. The competitions will take place on two consecutive weekends.

- During the competition, a competition sim access list will be needed to limit access to the competition staff and registered surfers. It is preferable that one or more of the competition staff be set up with the permissions to manage this list. If that is not possible, then at least two representatives of the sim owner who has such permissions will need to be available during the entire competition (usually between 3 to 6 hours).

- Access to either the sim media settings or an audio system is needed for setting the DJ stream on both the competition and spectator sims during the competitions. This can be set up for use by the SLSA Event Officer, or may be done by the sim owner.

- A Security Officer will need permissions for access controls such as ejecting and banning during the two competitions. If this is not possible, a representative for the sim owner who has such permissions must be present during the competition to assist the Security Officer.

- The SLSA will designate an Event Officer/Event Coordinator who will coordinate all activities with the sim owner

- In case there are less competitors registered for the series (which consists of an Open and a Pro competition) than the number required by the SLSA regulations, the Open competition may be canceled,

- It is possible to rent a full sim from the Linden Lab for 3 days. Details here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-Private-Regions/ta-p/700045#Section_.5

Question Title

* 1. Basic Info

Question Title

* 2. You are the

Question Title

* 3. SIM Types (combination of competition and spectator sims)

Question Title

* 4. Preferred Wave Type
List the company (SSI, HP, Action, LSD, Maoli) and the names of wave, also list alternate waves available

Question Title

* 5. Preferred Board Type (note: this is just preference, SLSA reserves right to specify approved boards for each competition.

Question Title

* 6. You are willing to:

  Yes No
Clear Prims and Reduce Active Scripts
Give Build Rights to an SLSA officer
Change your media stream (on both sims)
Create an Access List for the Competition sim
Purchase Title Sponsorship Option (5000 Lindens)

Question Title

* 7. Sim Owners and Management may be actively involved in hosting the competition or may wish for SLSA to provide a more turnkey event.

  Yes No Either
Does the owner of the sim agree to assign SLSA staff to region rights during the event?
*Sim Owners and Management may be actively involved in hosting the competition or may wish for SLSA to provide a more turnkey event. Does the owner of the sim agree to assign SLSA staff to region rights during the event?
Do you prefer to provide your own security?
Do you prefer to provide your own DJ?
Do you wish to provide trophies?
Do you wish to provide Rashies?

Question Title

* 8. Describe your SIM and your break and why you think it would make a good venue? Also, please state which month would be the best for the SLSA to hold its competition at your sim (Feb-June).