
20% of survey complete.
Project: Online resources to support international students' English language development
Project: H-2014-092

Thank you for taking part in this survey. The survey asks for feedback to enable me to evaluate the ‘English for Uni’ website. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. This project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Adelaide. By completing the survey you will be consenting to be involved in the project. Your participation is entirely anonymous, and you will not be identified in any research based on this survey. Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, and you may leave the survey at any time.

The University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee monitors all the research projects which it has approved. The committee considers it important that people participating in approved projects have an independent and confidential reporting mechanism which they can use if they have any worries or complaints about that research.

If you have questions or problems associated with the practical aspects of your participation in the project, or wish to raise a concern or complaint about the project, then you should consult the project leader, Dr Julia Miller (email: julia.miller@adelaide.edu.au; telephone: 00 61 8 8313 4721).

If you wish to discuss any concerns about the project with an independent person, contact the Human Research Ethics Committee’s Secretariat by phone (00 61 8 8313 6028) or by email: hrec@adelaide.edu.au