
What is the equality delivery system (EDS)?

At QVH, we are committed to ensuring that our services and employment practices are fair, accessible and appropriate for the diverse patient community we serve and the workforce we employ. Our patients, their carers, visitors and our staff deserve the very best we can give them in an environment in which all feel respected, valued and empowered.

The equality delivery system (EDS) ensures that everyone involved with the hospital - patients, members and governors, public and staff – have a voice in how we use equality to improve our services and make them more accessible to the people who use them.

The EDS is a tool that has been designed to help NHS organisation focus their work to ensure they delivery equality, to measure how well they are doing, and to identify where improvements can be made.

About this survey

As part of the EDS, we are required to ask local communities and organisations with an interest in health issues to rate how well we are doing.

This survey asks what you think about our performance and how we could do better. It outlines some of the work we have been doing over the last year.

Our evidence is also available to download and print:

If you require this survey in another format, please contact the equality and diversity team:
• Telephone: 01903 845724 (text relay welcome)
• Email: