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* 1. This publication...

  Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree
Is accurate and credible.
Is objective and balanced.
Addresses issues that are relevant to my organization, sector, or constituents.
Addresses issues that are relevant to the state policymaking environment (including decisions to be made by the General Assembly, Governor, or state agencies or boards, or emerging policy options that you think should be considered at the state level).

Question Title

* 2. As a result of reading this publication...

  Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree
I have increased knowledge of health coverage, programs and services for people with disabilities in Ohio.
I am more aware of current and emerging health policy issues and opportunities.

Question Title

* 3. How likely are you to use the information from this publication to influence the policymaking process? (This includes using the information to educate legislators or other policymakers, influence state agency priorities or decisions, make policy recommendations, lobby for specific legislation, or other advocacy activities or efforts to shape the policy agenda.)

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* 4. Please comment on what you liked or did not like about this publication and/or suggestions for improvement.

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* 5. Do you plan to share this publication with others? (choose all that apply)