Exit this survey A27 - Business Survey Question Title * 1. Please indicate the impact that the A27 has on your business as a single carriageway road with pinch points at Selmeston, Polegate and Firle. How does it affect your business? (Tick all that apply) It makes no difference to my business I have lost customers I have lost contracts I have lost suppliers I have lost staff It increases my costs I have considered relocation as a result of the above Any further comments Question Title * 2. What would a more reliable, swifter journey mean to your potential to grow? (Tick all that apply) More likely to commit long term to building my business in the East Sussex May consider relocating to East Sussex (if applicable) Would encourage other businesses to relocate here Ultimately, I could employ more local people as a result of this growth Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Would an improved A27 be likely to result in more tourists coming to East Sussex? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Would more tourists help the local economy grow? Not at all Somewhat Noticeably Significantly Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How often do you use the A27 for business purposes? Daily Not every day but more than once a week Weekly Not every week but more than once a month Monthly Three monthly Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Please complete your contact details below Name: Company: City/Town: * Email Address: Phone Number: Done