Please register for one of the 2012 DENR Stakeholders Open Houses on permit process improvements.

October 30, 3 - 6 pm, Wilmington, NC, or
November 1, 9 am - 12 noon, downtown Winston-Salem, NC.

An email with directions and event details will be sent following registration.

Events will start with a brief presentation by DENR on recent regulatory reforms, customer service improvements, and e-permitting plans, followed by open time for feedback on permit improvements.

Thank you for helping DENR to better serve our customers.

Question Title

* 1. Please register for the 2012 DENR Open House

Question Title

* 2. I will attend the Stakeholders Event:

Question Title

* 3. I am interested in giving feedback on the following topics (choose all that apply):

Question Title

* 4. I am particularly interested in the programs and services of the following Division(s) (choose all that apply):