This survey asks questions about how students make decisions when using digital technologies, including the Internet, cell phones, and other personal digital devices.

This survey is anonymous, so no one will know how you responded. You may skip questions if you want. Please answer honestly with what you think and are doing, not what you have been told to do.

On this survey, if the answers have a circle, you can only provide one response. If the answers have a square, you can and should check all that apply.

You should be aware that this is a long survey -- 59 questions. The results will be used for discussions with students about how you are making choices when using digital technologies. You should think of this survey as you would think of a homework assignment, because completing the survey will help you to think about your own actions when using digital technologies.

Question Title

* 1. What grade in school are you?

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* 2. Are you male or female?

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* 3. What race/ethnicity are you?

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* 4. Do you receive special education services or disability accommodations?

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* 5. What are the most common reasons you have seen people make bad choices when they use digital technologies?

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* 6. What are the top most important reasons why you would not do something inappropriate using digital technologies?

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* 7. Which of the following actions are generally prohibited on social networking sites?

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* 8. Which of the following do you find yourself doing frequently?

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* 9. What steps do you take to make sure you are not spending too much time using digital technologies?

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* 10. What do you think teens should do if they see that someone is being hurt, doing something risky, or being hurtful online?

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* 11. Think about a time when you saw that someone was being hurt, doing something risky, or being hurtful online and you really wanted to help, but you didn't. What are the most significant reasons why you didn't?

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* 12. What words would you use to describe a person who tries to help when he or she sees that someone is being hurt online or is doing something that could be risky?