Clean Water Starts With Me - 2014 Survey Pima Association of Governments would like to hear from you on your knowledge about preventing stormwater pollution… Question Title * 1. Where in the region do you live and work? (ZIP Code?) Question Title * 2. How long have you lived in Arizona? Less than 3 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 10-20 years More than 20 years Question Title * 3. Within an average year, how often do you engage in recreation along or enjoy the beauty of desert rivers or washes? None 1-2 times 3-10 times (every couple months) 11-24 times (once or twice a month) more than 25 times Question Title * 4. Do you consider water quality/safety standards to be important for stormwater which could potentially come into contact with your body? Yes No Not Sure Question Title * 5. Where have you seen the "Clean Water Starts With Me!" campaign? Billboards Radio TV Theaters Buses/Transit Events/Workshops Magazines Social Media Signs Materials None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What is your primary source of information about watershed health? Next