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Colorado Civic Health Summit Tuesday, September 23 8:00am to 12:00pm History Colorado Center

Join us for a conversation on civic engagement in Colorado and connect with other leaders dedicated to strengthening our state’s civic health. Learn about the findings of Colorado’s new Civic Health Index, our assets and our challenges, and explore strategies to improve civic life for all in our state.

What does an engaged citizenry mean for Colorado? Who benefits and how? Who is missing in Colorado’s civic life and how do we better engage them? How does Colorado measure up against other states? What can we learn from others’ efforts to create inclusive civic engagement opportunities?

Hosted by: Metropolitan State University of Denver Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation Campus Compact of the Mountain West History Colorado The Institute for the Common Good at Regis University The Civic Canopy National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC)

Event Details: Light breakfast will be served. Parking and directions:

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