Member Comments on Common Change's word-of-mouth tools To understand how Common Change might improve organic reach (word-of-mouth) amongst members. Question Title * 1. How likely are you to recommend Common Change to others? Not at all likely Extremely likely Not at all likely Extremely likely Question Title * 2. What is the primary benefit that you have received from Common Change? Question Title * 3. What would you use as an alternative if Common Change were no longer available? Question Title * 4. How often do you tell or talk with others about Common Change? Almost never Once in a while (Once or Twice a year) Sometimes (Monthly) Frequently (Weekly) Almost all the time (Daily) Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How receptive are your friends to participating in Common Change? Not at all Somewhat interested Very interested Not at all Somewhat interested Very interested Question Title * 6. How might we make it easier for you to tell others about Common Change? Question Title * 7. May we contact you about your ideas on how to improve Common Change. Yes, I have some ideas Sure, if I could be of help Not at this time Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Contact details (optional). Name: Email Address: Phone Number: Done