To strengthen the bonds between the Club and the community which it serves and to represent the interests of the community in the running of the Club
To benefit the present and future members of the community served by the Club by promoting, encouraging and furthering the game of football as a recreational facility, sporting activity and focus for community involvement
To further the development of the game of football nationally and internationally and the upholding of its rules
To take proper account of the interests of its supporters and of the community it serves in its decisions
To ensure the control of the Club remains with the supporters and that strategic direction is determined by a board of directors that has been democratically elected by the members
To promote, develop and respect the rights of members of the community served by the Club and people dealing with the Club as set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, having regard in particular to the need to provide information to members and conduct the affairs of the Club in accessible and appropriate ways
To play at the highest level possible, but always operating in a framework of responsible and prudent financial management
To promote equality and diversity within football and the community regardless of sex, orientation, race or religious beliefs