CFA Sunday 2013 Registration

100% of survey complete.
CFA Sunday will be held on 24 November 2013, and we want all brigades who have the capacity to get on board!

We encourage brigades to get out and about in their community. Open your station doors or take CFA Sunday to local markets, town halls, parks, shopping precincts or anywhere else that works for you.

Fill in the following form to register your brigade's involvement in CFA Sunday, by Friday 25 October.

We'll use the information provided to help promote your participation, for example by adding your details to the CFA Sunday map on our public website, where Victorians can find out more about what's happening in their local area on the day.

And don't forget to get in touch with your region's Community Education Coordinator - they have publications, other marketing and promotional material and funds to help you make the day a success.

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* 1. Brigade name

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* 4. Contact Information

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* 5. Are you holding your CFA Sunday event with any other CFA brigades?

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* 6. CFA Sunday event address

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* 7. Duration of your CFA Sunday event (please enter as 12 hour format - e.g. 10.00am)

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* 8. What activities will your brigade be conducting on CFA Sunday?

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* 9. Additional comments and questions

Thank you for registering for CFA Sunday 2013!

Please contact your region's Community Education Coordinator or the Marketing & Events team in Burwood East ( or 9262 8389) for more information.

And don't forget to check out the 'Very handy Template Toolkit' for some great support materials that you can tailor to help promote your participation in CFA Sunday, such as advertisements, radio scripts, and media releases.

You'll find a link to the toolkit on the homepage of Brigades Online or the CFA Intranet - just look for the big red button near the top of the page. Select 'Marketing Materials' when you're in the Toolkit and you'll then find a 'CFA Sunday Promotional Materials' tab at the bottom of that page.