White Noise Check-In Hi! Thanks for providing us with your feedback and ideas! They are crucial in supporting us to continue to grow and shape the work of the White Noise Collective so that it can stay relevant and useful to you and our larger community. Question Title * 1. How have you engaged with the WNC (Please check all that apply) I read something on your facebook page I read your blog I'm on your listserv I have advised you on some things I came to a workshop I have come to a dialogue I come to dialogues semi-regularly I come to dialogues all the time Question Title * 2. What is your favorite thing we do and why? Question Title * 3. What have you learned, if anything, from the White Noise Collective? Question Title * 4. What are we doing that feels "off" to you, or problematic? (Please be honest) Question Title * 5. Which themes that we have touched on (through dialogue or blogging) are of greatest interest to you? Question Title * 6. Which themes/events/ideas should we be paying attention to or including in our dialogues and workshops? Question Title * 7. If we were to have a mandatory introductory workshop about the intersection of white privilege and sexism for all dialogue participants (thereby making them closed/invite only dialogues vs "Open dialogues", how would that affect your attendance? (please check all that apply) I would be more likely to attend I would be more likely to tell others to attend I would be less likely to attend I would be less likely to tell others to It would not impact my attendance or the likelihood of inviting others Please explain why Question Title * 8. How often would you want these introductory workshops to happen? Question Title * 9. What else could we do to make the dialogues more useful and relevant for you? Question Title * 10. Describe an activity that you wish White Noise Collective would engage in (ie. action, workshop on a particular topic, or with a particular group, Theater of the Oppressed series etc.) Question Title * 11. How would you like to be more involved with us in the future? (Check all that apply) I want to participate in more workshops or dialogues as the themes are relevant for me I want to send people I know to your workshops or dialogues I want to explore being a blogger on your site I want to volunteer to help make more blogs, workshops and dialogues happen I want to use some of your curriculum and facilitate my own workshops Let's have a conversation - I've got some ideas to share and questions to explore Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. OPTIONAL: Who are you and what's the best way to reach you? Done