
Question Title

* 1. On a scale of 1 (not very useful) to 5 (very useful), how useful would you rate the YOU & YOUR CHILD publication?

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* 2. On a scale of 1 (not very clear) to 5 (very clear), how clear would you rate the information in the YOU & YOUR CHILD publication?

Question Title

* 3. On a scale of 1 (not very effective) to 5 (very effective), how effective would you rate the information in the YOU & YOUR CHILD publication?

Question Title

* 4. How much of the information in YOU & YOUR CHILD would you classify as useful, informative or worthwhile?

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* 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the "3 basic questions" to ask your child's doctor?

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* 6. Which of the following is/are appropriate suggestions for overcoming adherence barriers? (Choose all that apply)

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* 7. Are routine "well child" doctor visits provided free of charge under CHIP?

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* 8. What is an erythrocyte?

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* 9. For a teen-ager with thalassemia, should the availability of an appropriate hospital or clinic be a factor in choosing a college?

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* 10. What, if anything, could have been changed to make this a better publication?

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* 11. What ways would you like to receive information?