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* 1. My child is encouraged to make a positive contribution to their school community i.e. knowing and applying the school rules, knowing what is expected of them, taking part in the Swimming Gala and Sports Day, being a peer mentor/buddy, helping others, showing visitors around, acting as an Ambassador etc.

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* 2. My child is taught well.

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* 3. I am kept informed of my child's progress, i.e. regular phone calls and letters/Open Days/Annual Reviews/support through therapy/home visits/annual subject reports and outreach for your child and you.

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* 4. My child is encouraged to enjoy and achieve their best i.e. extending hobbies and interests/social progress, academic achievement and pursuing their talents.

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* 5. My child is kept safe in school i.e. from bullying, violence and strangers, cyber bullying and suitable internet access

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* 6. My child is offered a healthy lifestyle i.e. choice of food, activities, sport and exercise, fresh air, support from the School Nurse, access to GPs and Dentists, support from therapy.

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* 7. The school deals effectively with bullying i.e. bullying includes persistent name calling, cyber bullying, racist and homophobic bullying.

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* 8. The school offers support to me and my child i.e. regular phone calls, individual help and guidance, outreach home visits, therapeutic support.

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* 9. The school is well led and well managed.

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* 10. The school responds well to any concerns I raise.

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* 11. Finally, is there anything else that you would like to say? Ideas for improvement or positive comments you would like to share?