WHSS - PARENT CARER QUESTIONNAIRE Question Title * 1. My child is encouraged to make a positive contribution to their school community i.e. knowing and applying the school rules, knowing what is expected of them, taking part in the Swimming Gala and Sports Day, being a peer mentor/buddy, helping others, showing visitors around, acting as an Ambassador etc. Always Sometimes Never Can you give some examples? Question Title * 2. My child is taught well. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Are there areas where we can improve? Question Title * 3. I am kept informed of my child's progress, i.e. regular phone calls and letters/Open Days/Annual Reviews/support through therapy/home visits/annual subject reports and outreach for your child and you. Always Sometimes Never Can you give some examples and are there areas where we can improve? Question Title * 4. My child is encouraged to enjoy and achieve their best i.e. extending hobbies and interests/social progress, academic achievement and pursuing their talents. Always Sometimes Never If yes can you give examples, if no can you say why? Are there areas where we can improve? Question Title * 5. My child is kept safe in school i.e. from bullying, violence and strangers, cyber bullying and suitable internet access Always Sometimes Never If yes can you give examples? If no, can you say why? Are there areas where we can improve? Question Title * 6. My child is offered a healthy lifestyle i.e. choice of food, activities, sport and exercise, fresh air, support from the School Nurse, access to GPs and Dentists, support from therapy. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Can you give some examples? Are there areas where we can improve? Question Title * 7. The school deals effectively with bullying i.e. bullying includes persistent name calling, cyber bullying, racist and homophobic bullying. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Question Title * 8. The school offers support to me and my child i.e. regular phone calls, individual help and guidance, outreach home visits, therapeutic support. Always Sometimes Never If yes can you give some examples? Are there areas where we can improve? Question Title * 9. The school is well led and well managed. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Are there areas where we can improve? Question Title * 10. The school responds well to any concerns I raise. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Can you give some examples? Are there areas where we can improve? Question Title * 11. Finally, is there anything else that you would like to say? Ideas for improvement or positive comments you would like to share? Done