Developing the New Local Transport Strategy - Issues for Review report outlines ten transport issues identified as areas where the Council has a choice on how to proceed over the next five years.

This aim of this consultation survey is to gather the views of Edinburgh residents and organisations to help make informed decisions about the way forward on these issues.

This consultation only covers these issues which have been identified and presents possible options for a way ahead on each issue.

Should you wish to comment on any other transport areas not covered, please use the “Other Comments” section at the end of this form.


All information supplied will be treated with the strictest of confidence.

Closing Date:
The closing date for completing this survey is Sunday 17 March 2013.

Further Information:
You can read the full report here.
For further information, visit www.edinburgh.gov.uk/localtransportstrategy e-mail localtransportstrategy@edinburgh.gov.uk